This year, marking its 10th years of business, Kishu Binchotan Shop Tanagokoro has started participating in Chemiless Town R Project (Part of "Town Building from Mecical Point of View" Project suggested by Professor Chisato Mori of Medical Department, Chiba University) in order to find a better way to utilize the wonderfulness of Binchotan in healthier life.
In this project, we are working together with house makers and building material manufacturers to tackle the health problems caused by bad inside environments like Sickhouse Syndrome by creating a better living space with as little volatile chemical compounds such as formaldehyde.We are also determined to proactively offer proposals for new products that are useful to promote beauty and health, combining binchotan with various natural materials.
In our first attempt of offering such new product, we have featured BINCHOTAN CHAFF WALL, a new indoor plastering material, the ingredients of which are binchotan and fired and pulverized scallop shell, in our basement bar, and BINCHOTAN ECONA FEEL, also a new dry plastering material made from binchotan and diatomite earth in our 3rd Floor tea room to suggest a new interior finish.
"BINCHOTAN ECONA FEEL" Interior Material used in The Tea Room (3rd Floor)
Diatomite Earth Primary Ingredient of BINCHOTAN ECONA FEEL
Scallop shells (Ingredient of CHAFF WALL)